
About Bassa

Bassa is a self-taught, contemporary artist. His works have astonished and amazed the global art world. Bassa’s visionary use of light, texture and colour - (most remarkably with ultra violet and Italian ‘Maimeri’ acrylic paints) - on grand canvases, create eye-catching reflections with three-dimensional perspectives. The mutability of position, combined with the solidity of his archetypal colour-blocking commands great attention to his works. They become a centrifugal force, in every setting.

Bassa shies away from notoriety, but has a respect for the experiences of lineage. The art speaks for itself.

But through his works you see the nuances of how the past leads to great artistic inspiration. Bassa is the youngest son of Lady Sarah and John Aspinall, the zoo-keeper extraordinaire, wildlife conservationist and casino impresario. Bassa’s artworks not only reflect the vivacity of animal life, but the passionate animosity of human experience. Gaining inspiration also from pop icons and culture, Bassa’s work is truly alive.


A multitude of his works can be found hanging in private collections around the world. Bassa delights in the challenges from commissions, that inspire and express his skilful abilities, bringing to life all the dimensions of reality.

